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The day after Mother's Day, my wife, Kate, was in a baking mood. Knowing my love for cake she thought it would be a really nice surprise to make me a special "heart shaped" treat. After she finished, she let it cool, then frosted it...with sprinkles no less. She left the kitchen, went back into the living room to check on our kids. Now here's something that's important to the story, the way our house is set up, you can leave the kitchen in either direction to get to the living room, as our house is kind of set up like a big circle. While she went in one direction, our 2 year old son, Kyler, came around the other way. Just like his dad, there is a strong love for cake in that boy. He managed to reach up onto the counter and grab the, now cooled down, cake pan and proceed to bury his face right in the middle of it. As my wife reentered the kitchen, the looked up at her, maybe sensing that he might be in trouble and should probably ditch any and all evidence, tossed the entire cake onto the floor. My wife started laughing, so Kyler knew he wasn't really in much trouble must have figured it's not good to waste cake (he would be right) decided to pick it up and start eating again. I myself am not a big fan of "floor cake" but apparently it's all the rage with 2 year olds.