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It's winter driving season. Now is a great time to make sure you're prepped for a possible emergency.
According to experts, having these winter essentials can really make a difference if you ever get stuck out in a winter storm. How many of them do YOU have in your car right now?
1. Jumper cables
2. Flares or reflective triangles
3. Ice scraper
4. Phone charger
5. A flashlight
6. Water and snacks
7. Heated blanket. One that plugs into your 12-volt charger.
8. Body and hand warmers, like Hot Hands.
9. Tow straps
10. Traction mats for your tires.
Or, says to drive around with a bag of sand or kitty litter in your trunk for better traction. has a much more exhaustive list of stuff you should have. Or if you want to go the easy route, just search for a "Roadside Emergency Car Kit". They make all-in-one kits now with a lot of the stuff you need.
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