Bob Delmont

Bob Delmont

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World record for the most superhero tattoos!

Super Hero Squad toys figurines Marvel Comics

Photo: Getty Images

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A pair of strangers with one very special shared interest became co-holders of a Guinness World Record when they each got 34 tattoos of Marvel Comics characters.


Canadian comic book fan Rick Scolamiero originally earned the record for most Marvel comic book characters tattooed onto the body in 2018 with 31 super heroes inked onto his body.


U.S. man Ryan Logsdon recently applied to take the record with 34 Marvel tattoos, but while Guinness World Records officials were processing his application, they received word from Scolamiero that he had increased his total to 34.


The two men are now co-holders of the record.


Scolamiero said his days of getting inked might be over, as he is running out of tattoo space on his body. Logsdon said he might end up adding a few more.


"I think it's great that two passionate fans share the record. I still would like to add on to my back piece at some point. Next ideas are the Black Panther and Elektra. Not sure how many more I'll do, we'll see," Logsdon said.



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