In recognition for achieving milestones toward a community that better supports residents living with dementia, Valley Program for Aging Services’ (VPAS) Harrisonburg-Rockingham region has been designated a Dementia Friendly Community by Dementia Friendly America.
Dementia Friendly America communities are influencers and catalysts for change that foster capability to support not only people living with dementia, but also their care partners. This means that participating in public activities like dining, banking, and shopping is more successful and comfortable for those living with dementia, and that first responders are able to meet the unique needs of these residents. For dementia care partners, it means the potential for smoother outings, less stress, and improved relationships with their loved ones.
VPAS, the local area agency on aging, began the process of becoming a Dementia Friendly Community a little over a year ago. Despite the pandemic, a cross-section of community stakeholders was eager to participate in the process, establishing a steering community to structure the initiative and set goals. Stakeholders, including Leading Age Virginia, submitted letters of support as part of the VPAS application in order to highlight ongoing progress toward those goals.
In order to achieve the Dementia Friendly Community designation, VPAS staff conducted Dementia Friends workshops with community members, both in-person and virtually, to foster better understanding of the disease. They also hosted Dementia Friends at Work workshops for stakeholders who directly engage with those living with dementia.
Local businesses have played an important role in the Dementia Friendly Community designation as well. VPAS staff conducted Dementia Friends at Work training sessions this month at A Bowl of Good to help determine not only how to make the restaurant’s physical space more inclusive, but also to teach employees how to better communicate with those living with dementia. A Bowl of Good is the first business in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County recognized by VPAS as dementia friendly.
Finally, VPAS advocated for dementia friendly communities with local government officials,
including the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors and Harrisonburg City Council.
In April, the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors issued a proclamation recognizing the
county as a Dementia Friendly Community.
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County is the second Dementia Friendly Community in the
VPAS service area. In 2019, Lexington received the designation after achieving similar
“Becoming dementia friendly is part of the work we do every day to create communities where
everyone can age well,” said Jeri Schaff, VPAS executive director. “But we know we can’t do
that alone. We’re grateful for the way citizens, business and faith leaders, and other community
influencers are collaborating in this effort.”
Schaff added that VPAS is receiving critical funding to support the ongoing process as well,
including recent grants from Sentara Healthcare and Merck & Co.
Worldwide, approximately 55 million people have dementia and 10 million new cases are
diagnosed every year. In the U.S., more than six million Americans currently have dementia. It
is the most expensive disease in America, according to a National Institutes on Aging study,
costing more than cancer and heart disease.
Dementia Friends is a global movement developed by the Alzheimer’s Society in the United
Kingdom and now underway in the United States. The goal is to help everyone in a community
understand how dementia affects people and how we can make a difference in the lives of
people living with the disease.
Local businesses, places of worship, first responders, and others who serve older adults are
invited to become Dementia Friendly. For more information, call (number here) or visit:
VPAS empowers adults 60 years and over with the resources and opportunities they need to
lead engaged lives. With information and referral services, Medicare counseling, senior
transportation, health and recreational programming, meal delivery, and in-home case
management available throughout five counties in the Shenandoah Valley, VPAS has been
serving older adults and their families for nearly 50 years.
Photo: Getty Images