Jim Carrey Says He's Dumping Facebook And You Should Too

Jim Carrey is dumping Facebook and thinks you should too. 

The 56-year-old comedian said he's deleting his Facebook profile and selling his stock in the company because the social media network "profited" from Russian interference in the 2016 election and the company still wasn't doing more to stop it.

"I’m dumping my @facebook stock and deleting my page because @facebook profited from Russian interference in our elections and they’re still not doing enough to stop it. I encourage all other investors who care about our future to do the same."

He ended his message with the hashtag #unfriendfacebook

The tweet immediately went viral, racking up more than 15,000 retweets and 46,000 likes. 

Facebook has faced scrutiny every since the news broke that Russia used the platform to spread its political agenda and amplify 'fake news'. Reports say up to 126 million Americans saw posts related to Russian propaganda during the 2016 election. 

Facebook has not responded to Carrey's tweet, but the founder and CEO of the company Mark Zuckerberg has said fixing the problem of 'fake news' spreading on his platform is his number one goal in 2018.

Photo: Getty Images

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