Veterans Appreciation Picnic and Membership Drive

Hardy County Camp Pinnacle 4-H Camp

The Members of the VFW Post 9606, American Legion Post 64 

and Forty and Eight Voiture 1623!

Would like to invite All Hardy Co. and surrounding area Veterans 

to spend an afternoon at Camp Pinnacle for a 


WHO: Veterans and family members

WHAT: We are providing barbeque chicken

Asking each family to bring favorite Covered Dish / Desert

WHEN: Aug. 24th, 2024 – Camp open all day to enjoy games, swim,

fresh air and hike around camp. Planning on eating around 2PM

WHY: Membership Drive and showing appreciation to our veterans!

RSVP by calling 304-538-6220 and leave a message or Facebook by 20th Of Aug. 

Overnight Camping Available